Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Thirsty Senator

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Once again, I start this blog with an apology. For the second time in a row, I have not come through with a timely blog. All I can say: a full course load and a part-time internship will keep you busy. However, this is not my only transgression. I also, once again said that my next blog would be about sports. To this I say: but...but...politics!

Specifically, the Republican response to Obama's first State of the Union of his second term. It was just too interesting. I couldn't pass it up. 

Now, I could probably highlight specifics from Obama's speech itself, like his impassioned "They deserve a vote!" plea, or the symbolic (and now recurring) absence of conservative supreme court justices from the event. But instead, I'm going to focus on something a bit more...quenching.

That would be the most recent anointed hero of the Republican Party, Marco Rubio. A clear favorite for the Republican nominee for President in 2016 because of his Latino heritage and clean-cut image, he's been getting a lot of press since Obama's reelection, including making the cover of Time magazine.

Rubio made sure to appeal to the Christian vote, tweeting "There is only one savior and it is not me #Jesus"

Therefore, Rubio was a natural choice to deliver the Republican response on Tuesday. His speech itself contained few surprises. It congratulated Obama for his service, criticized his position on health care and taxes, and made appeals to the middle class. However, what did grab people's attention was that Rubio, throughout the night, seemed to be suffering from an acute case of dry mouth, epitomized in this moment, toward the end of the speech.

Twitter exploded. One of the most awkward moments during a speech like this that I can recall, and not really the kind of momentum a rising politician seeking legitimacy craves during his or her first national exposure.

(For those who are not perturbed by body noises, I also suggest you check out this video, highlighting the audibleness of Rubio's thirst)

However, this event has done lots to prove that any press is good press. Poland Spring, whose product was so surprisingly featured in this video, didn't miss a chance to profit from their cameo with this Facebook pic.

And I think the most surprising thing from the whole night was how well Rubio responded on social media with his quick swig. Almost immediately after he tweeted a picture of his mini-bottle, and commented the next day that after receiving 13,000+ followers on Twitter, he should drink water in the middle of all his speeches. Conservative groups are already fundraising with Rubio water bottles. This moment is living proof that really, when it comes to these little absurdities for political figures, all press is good press. I don't think this is the last we've seen of this bottle water craze. Good, bad, or neutral, it's going to be a symbol for Rubio and his political career.

Now, before I wrap up this blog, I do want to make clear that there is a lot of stuff that I haven't been able to blog about due to being so busy. Moving forward, I'm not sure if I'll be able to blog reliably about this stuff or not. So instead, I'm going to start posting links here to what's hot in political imagery. Perhaps in the future I'll get a chance to delve deeper into the topics that I bring up. But for now, enjoy!

  • First, speaking of Republican presidential front runners, you gotta look into Chris Christie eating a donut on Letterman. The man's celebrity status is going through the roof. Right now he can't seem to do any wrong. This is coupled with him calling out a former White House doc who went national in warning him about health. Don't mess with Jersey. 
  • Also, I do want to bring attention to all the crazy stuff in sports. I've neglected it, and that makes me feel bad. Though not quite political, stuff like this grabs the American public like none other and gets people talking about issues and creating images probably even better than politics. I'll start with our perception and suspicion of cheaters, especially Lance Armstrong's confession and Deer Antler Spray. Then there's the whole Manti Te'o hoax. And heck, I'll even throw in the Super Bowl power outage in here
  • Speaking of the Super Bowl, this Dodge Ram Super Bowl ad about farming is getting all sorts of reaction.
  • Pope resigns. About the most symbolic thing that's perhaps happened in the last, oh I don't know, 6 centuries or so. Gotta meme that.

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