Thursday, October 11, 2012

The Vice Presidents

Thursday, Oct 11, 2012

As many of you probably know, tonight is the second debate of the 2012 election. I'm sure this has political satirists of every kind around the country salivating. The Vice Presidential debates have led to some of the most dynamic moments in some elections, such as Lloyd Bentsen's "You're no Jack Kennedy" remark, to the most ridiculous, like Biden-Palin in 2008 and all that entailed, not to mention James Stockdale in 1992. So, I thought that today I would direct your attention to the political imagery surrounding this election's vice presidential candidates. 

One thing that I find peculiar about Joe Biden's image on the internet is that he doesn't get made fun of more. Perhaps this too has been a result of Obama's general popularity on the internet, especially during the election season, which I discussed near the end of a previous blog post. Yet, how can this be when Biden has endured one of the most gaffe filled vice presidencies is recent history? Referring to the presidents "big stick." Referring to "jobs" as a three letter word. You can view some high/low lights here. Yet, this has really only translated into political cartoons about Biden running his mouth off too much, not really memes or symbols that get wide circulation on the internet. People just refer to Biden as that kinda weird uncle you might have that sometimes says things that are unintentionally stupid or offensive, mention how funny Jason Sudekis is on SNL, and move on. Election largely unaffected.
*But seriously. If you haven't watched Jason Sudekis's Biden impression, please do so. It slays me. So does Biden's Bad Lip Reading video. Mostly because I can actually imagine Biden saying some of this stuff.

Now, Ryan's appearance in the public has been a tad eccentric. For the most part, his public image has been very put together, clean cut, and energized (the man does P90X and listens to Rage Against The Machine. Legit.) When he was first announced as the vice presidential candidate, many expected that he would polarize voters because of the controversial, budget cutting proposals that he made while still in congress that provokes Democrats. Yet, as the campaign has gone on, Ryan has largely avoided controversy, coming across as an knowledgeable conservative with a plan.

So, how does the internet respond? With a meme of course!

Some of you may be familiar with Hey Girl meme, featuring Ryan Gosling, in which Gosling is characterized as the best boyfriend any girl could ask for. 

Eventually, due to internet-savvy, Paul Ryan loving females, this meme was altered into Feminist Ryan Gosling.

This was even turned into a book.

So. We got two people. Both youthful. Both with the name Ryan. But one's being associated with feminist-liberal ideals. And one's supposed to be more of an a economy nut. What do you suppose is going to happen next?

It's hard to say whether or not Ryan comes out favorably or unfavorably based on this meme. Sure, these pick up line are kind of smarmy and not quite as charming as Ryan Gosling, but if you peruse them, you'll find that most still portray the potential Vice President as fiscally intelligent, and kind of quirky, but not necessarily in a bad way. Still, because of this meme's feminist origins, and taking into account that Ryan does not have many friends in the women's rights camp due to his voting record, there has been a response. For example...

So, do you think Paul Ryan's presence on the internet has helped or hurt the Romney camp? Regardless, it's interesting to see how the internet has taken this Ryan's image and manipulated for both comedic purposes. This doesn't only apply to Ryan's stance on the economy or women's rights. Memes about Ryan use everything from his before mentioned workout regimen to his affinity for hunting. It might be said that Ryan's public image is being built more through image alteration and distribution than through anything that the Romney campaign or mainstream media is doing, or at least amongst some demographics.

Still, what will probably end up shaping the public's opinion of Biden and Ryan most over the next month is tonight's debate. And my guess is that somewhere in there, there will be an image waiting to hit the internet. I'll update you about it next week.
*Also, just to be fair to each candidate, you should check out the Paul Ryan Bad Lip Reading. In fact, watch everything Bad Lip Reading has done. It's all awesome. They even have a video for last week's debate! Jim Lehrer so funny.

As far as posting goes, things remain slow around campus. Lately, most political discussions around here have been revolving around the marriage initiative that's going to be on the ballot in Maryland, especially since today is National Coming Out Day. But I have yet to find any propaganda related to this to post on. Most everything that has been circulating is via the internet, and really has not translated to real life yet. Maybe soon. 
Also, once walking off campus, you can definitely see political activity rise. Take for example this yard sign for 40 Days for Life.

However, due to my project's stipulations regarding posting on public property, I haven't posted on signs in yards. This is also why I have yet to post on the multitude of bumper stickers in parking lots on campus. But when the opportunity presents itself (or perhaps when I give in and just start posting anyway), I'll let you know.

One last piece of news. React Labs, which I blogged about earlier in the semester, and it's drive to diversify political discussion and research did an event here at Maryland with last weeks debate. Check it out here, and keep your eyes peeled for any other events that React Labs might be doing regarding the Presidential Debates.

Ok. That's it. Oofda. That was a lot of links! I hope you enjoyed them. And enjoy the debate tonight! 


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