Thursday, September 27, 2012

The Activity of Others

Tuesday, September 27, 2012

So I did get the opportunity to head down Alexandria, VA to check in on the posting I did earlier in the week. The results? Pretty unsubstantial. Most every Post-it I had left remained, unmoved, regardless of whether they were posted up or down. I noted that some were missing or were now on the ground, though I am tempted to believe this has to do with the Post-its falling because of the adhesive going dry (even though I did use rubber cement again for these posts) and not because of human activity, for these posts were generally ones that I put thumbs up. But you never know.

Some remnants of some posts I put up.
Whether or not they were trod on, weathered, or perhaps even torn up I have no idea.
One sign I had posted on was different though. It was a "Re-Elect Del Pepper" sign that I had put a thumbs down on. (Side note: I love the name Del Pepper. It pained me to post down on it.) The sign had been at the bottom of a small hill. When I returned, the sign had been dislodged and somehow put at the top of the hill, and a new sign was in its place. Whether or not the people who put up the new sign unearthed Mrs. Del Pepper's, I have no idea. But however it ended up there, my guess is that my post had little/nothing to do with it, as it remained on the sign.

It's interesting to note that though it appears little effort was made to tamper with my postings, (a rather labor-free act), some people had come by and added to the deluge of signs already outside the King St-Old Town metro station. Some of these were for candidates for city council and school board that hadn't been there previously, but others were for candidates who were already "well-represented" sign wise in the area. Some signs were even posted right next to already existing signs for that candidate...?

So as the sign wars continue in Alexandria, VA, I shall move on, and my project shall move with me.

Today I would like to continue on from last week by bringing more things that are happening in imagery and marketing around the country. (For example, did you know that we can now build our political identities through 7-Eleven coffee?! What an achievement, right?) Specifically though, I would like to direct your attention to some other projects/movements that also involve posting directly on things to send a message.

Now, we've all probably seen urban areas where the cityscape has been redone through spray paint and stickers. You know...graffiti. The graffiti and street art movement, though having an impact on my project, was something that I didn't necessarily want Post It Politics to be affiliated with. That's why I chose Post-it notes: they're temporary, accessible, and removable.

When I started my project, I wanted to know if anyone with a similar mindset had been doing anything like this. Turns out, someone has! Actually, it's practically the same idea...but let me explain. A quick google search of sticky note politics will link you up with a number of right-wing political blogs and journals championing the use of sticky notes to kick Barack Obama out of office. Conservatives around the country are putting up Post-it notes to criticize the president for rising food and gas prices, and then putting the pictures up on various Facebook pages and other websites. Take a look.

Now obviously this project differs from mine in that it has no dialogue, or if it does, it seems to only be between conservatives. However, kudos to them for some exemplary guerrilla marketing! I am jealous of their over 600 Facebook followers.

On the other end of the spectrum is a movement that I ran into while doing my posting in Alexandria, that being the movement of the endorsement sticker.

Now I'm not sure if these stickers were applied by the campaign that put them up, or by the candidate after the fact. But still, this is something that I can get behind! I have often criticized signs for just being a blind show of support while not really having any meaning, yet stickers like this would seem to correct that trend by allowing a sign-viewer to see what a candidate stands for. Maybe this isn't as applicable in something like a presidential election, but in a local election, where the main task is just to introduce a candidate, this could be a powerful tool.
*I have read of a similar movement in which pro-union members in Wisconsin went around and stickered disapprovingly on Scott Walker signs during the recall election. However this was obviously viewed as vandalism and was forcefully shut down.

Finally, I would like to bring your attention to the work of a former classmate of mine and the work she is doing in Minneapolis. It's called the "Bandaids for Human&Objects' Equality Project," and it's a kind of urban beautification project. Check it out!

Though obviously this project is pretty far removed from campaign politics, I can't help but get excited about the work it's doing through street art to draw our eyes to objects by giving them personality and meaning (something I hope Post It Politics can achieve). Plus the whole concept of "healing" our urban landscapes like this is incredibly interesting. Plus the Band-Aids look really cool. Well done Grace! I covet your design skills.

Alright, so moving forward with my project. I have finally been cleared by IRB!!! (and by cleared I mean they have determined I am not technically doing "human research," and therefore do not have to abide by certain legal procedures and guidelines.) So this means that I can now actively encourage others to take part in my project! This may lead to me handing out Post-it notes in front of the student union. It may mean just chatting people up about Post It Politics. So, if anyone reading this is at all interested in stickin' it to the propaganda, I encourage you to join me! A great way to start would be by accompanying me in the Twitterverse. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact me in any way!


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